To understand why the carnivorous diet is so effective against cancer, one must understand the role of mitochondria in - not only energy production, but also thereby - retrograde signaling to the nucleus that encodes the production of new organelles better adapted to, for example, either oxidative phosphorylation (ATP production in the electron transport chain) or substrate phosphorylation (fermentation in the cytosol) which is one of the changes a cell undergoes to become a cancer cell, based on the 6 characteristics that define malignant cancer cells (Hanahan / Weinberg);

1) autonomous production of growth signals.

2) insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals

3) ability to avoid apoptosis (programmed cell death)

4) seemingly unlimited replication capability

5) persistent angiogenesis / vascularity (formation of new blood vessels)

6) ability to invade tissues.

All these criteria can be seen in connection with chronic inflammation triggered by various biochemical reactions in different metabolic contexts, where the metabolic parameters always work in synergy with emotional states that all affect the body's respective quantum fields and thus physiology. For example, it is known that the emotional state of "fear" can provoke/induce the physiological state of hypoxia in tissues(1.). Then it is interesting to note that some of the first things a person who stops consuming food from the plant kingdom experience and tells about is improvement in mood stabilization, stress management, anxiety reduction, and remission of depression. As always in these synergistic complexes, it is difficult to say what does what. Whether it is a motivational change (for example illness or injury/ailment) that gives an emotional change which in turn lays the foundation for and opens up for change in the metabolic state that affects and in some cases lead to further chemical programming since the different mood and emotional conditions dictates behavior and lead to different cravings and desires or whether there is another arrangement of the aforementioned mechanisms is as difficult to determine as to determine whether mental illness leads to vegetarianism or whether vegetarianism leads to mental illness where the now overwhelming number of epidemiological studies show a clear correlation (vegetarian mental illness studies). The reason why it is difficult to determine has to do with the fact that to find out one must compare apples with apples and since there are no two alike and since those who are almost equal do not have the same life, since everyone has different epigenetic potentials and since we can not lock identical twins in a laboratory to control all factors throughout their lives to perform the necessary experiments that will be able to determine the question.

Fiber and all the different anti-nutrients found in plants can also create chronic systemic inflammation as a result of increased intestinal permeability if ingested often enough, in addition to the effect of the Randle cycle (mechanism) when consuming fats and carbohydrates at the same time.

Inflammation is a natural reaction, a form of breakdown of various substances, such as nutrients, pathogens, infections, etc. The inflammatory reactions require some vitamins and minerals and when they are chronic the vitamins are consumed quickly, which means that cells no longer have the required nutrients to function normally, for oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria (ATP production via the electron transport chain). It is also logical to assume that in a situation of deficiency, the most essential functions are prioritized as survival over "good health", that is; one often makes a trade between acute survival and longevity.

Inflammation is also associated with increased impulsivity (inflammation influences impulse control) that can turn into a vicious circle as it, in turn, leads to an increased need for dopamine-triggering nutrients or foods with strong emotional coding such as sweets. Then we get a symphony of inflammation that further reduces impulse control.

When the cells can no longer metabolize glucose as efficiently, or oxygen is not available for ATP production, or the respiratory mechanisms of the mitochondria are damaged, the cells go over to fermentation, the production of free radicals goes up and creates the epigenetic basis for the condition in the cells we call cancer.

By removing plant materials (and thus also glucose and fructose) the body also increases the amount of plasma level uric acid and cholesterol as well as the intracellular production of glutathione, all functions that increase the antioxidant effect except for the cancer cells which due to their mutations and damage do not have a well-functioning detoxification complex which makes them more prone to necrosis (cell death) than normal functioning cells. For all other parts of the body to function optimally, where only the cancer cells are exposed to as much stress as possible, for the rest of the cells in the body to have access to substances that reduce stress and improve stress response, for the body to reduce the number of vitamins and minerals one have to consume in the digestive processes, to provide the various parts of the body with the essential proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements while minimizing the amount of metabolic burden in the form of glucose, fructose, fiber, and anti-nutrients that prevent, reduce, and inhibit the uptake of vitamins and minerals, to minimize insulin secretion and increase insulin sensitivity I only eat meat and animal fats with the consequence that my "needs" and cravings for sweets are reduced, I get the opportunity to eat isocaloric in addition to the food I eat has the absolute highest nutrient density which makes my satisfaction and satiety last longer.

1.) = Concerning both my own experiences and observations as well as what I have read about what others have discovered through experimentation and observation, we are equipped with what Paul Ekman calls "emotional refraction time", (what I call emotional autosuggestion) it will say the time/mechanism where one ignores any information that contradicts the original emotion after an emotional state has been triggered, which is an advantage in acute situations but allows for complications and mismatches if the emotion is triggered by an emotional response based on an emotional script from previous experiences that do not apply to the current situation. If one is aware of these mechanisms, one can adjust, calibrate, compensate and modulate where an unconscious ignorance opens up for misunderstandings as a direct result of disinformation. If an unconscious person chooses to trust the emotions and the emotional trigger is so strongly rooted over time in a person's emotional manuscript that it is triggered continuously, which prolongs the emotional refraction time and makes it impossible to incorporate new and contradictory information that can get him out of his emotional state, the physiological impact on tissues will persist and a possible reprogramming at the cellular level is more likely as the biochemical signal effect for reprogramming does not decrease, but is maintained.


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