One of the many reasons why I chose, and choose, to use my life to dabble in knowledge, delve into the matter, and learn fully, that is, feel in the body and experience what the truth is rather than being told what it is like you do at school, was that I quickly became aware that several people were not telling the truth, that some did not tell the whole truth, those who only tell parts of the truth, those who fabricate their versions and that there were several reasons for that.
Learning the different effects of ways of communicating, the different preferences people had for different ways of communicating, and the countless contextual conditions that facilitated the respective outcomes quickly became a lifelong project and naturally, I had to experiment with myself and others to be able to know the differences.
Understanding how humans process information is essential to understanding what constitutes the human mental state and composition, behavior, and emotional evolution. I see the lie (I don't believe in "liars and truth tellers" as categories of humanity as even those who choose to lie see benefits in telling the truth occasionally and vice versa) as the cancer state of the mentality - a survival state of the mentality where it sees no one another way out (even for an avid liar, someone who juggles for entertainment) as the truth appears in one way or another as troublesome, painful, irritating, harmful or hindering in the same way that a cell must become what we call cancer to survive where usual energy production is damaged. In the person who lies, the logical and rational interpretation of the connection is "damaged"/influenced by experience and/or brain development due to nutrition/malnutrition/malnutrition. This leads to a lack of overall understanding and thus a lack of integrity.
What is "integrity"?
Cambridge Dictionary says; "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change, someone's high artistic standards or standards of doing their job, and that person's determination not to lower those standards, the quality of being whole and complete/wholeness and unity." and that the etymological origin is from Latin "integritas", derived from "integer" 'whole, untouched, complete'.
This means that integrity in an information context means; to see the whole picture/to see the truth from multiple perspectives, because as we know, a cup seen from one perspective may lack a handle, but seen from another it has a handle. One therefore does not know until one has either moved the cup around or moved around the cup. Those who say; "there are always two sides to an issue" live in a rather flat world because the world I live in has infinite perspectives that shift and change continuously. It is, among other things, what makes it exciting and challenging or for others; very annoying because it disrupts their dogmatic, locked-in one-sided perspective. It was a problem I wondered about for a long time; how can a lie exist if everything exists and thus everything is true? How does the lie get a place? Of course, it was the complicated thought that disturbed and the simple inclusion; that is, the integrity, that answered; the perspectives make up the whole.
Everyone's experiences are true, which implies that since everyone other than "me" is in a different place and thus in a different time than "myself", what they experience must be a lie in relation to "my" experience. In the same way, of course, "my" experience is also a lie in relation to "everyone else's" and it is only through associations and definition bubbles that you mix things and words that are not the same in such a way that they can appear similar and one can think and believe that one agrees (all words have this function and is the reason why even those who speak the same language, have the same cultural background and upbringing can still misunderstand each other). Words are, in their most basic sense, only sounds that mentally point to (associate with) an experience a person has had, and if you have not heard the sound before or experienced what the sound points to before, of course, you cannot understand what is being talked about. Part of the integrity of communication is the understanding of this - that "the rest of you" cannot have the same definitions and associations as "me" because "I" have lived a different life than "you" and the more "my" life differs from "your" the greater the distance between understanding, association and thus definition.
Concerning information about health/what is healthy, this plays out interestingly;
there are several scientific definitions with different justifications for "health" and "soundness" and countless popular definitions of the same thing based on very different justifications. I have come across those who define "healthy" as; not thinking about one's health at all and thus following the path of least resistance to the respective addictions that may come with it which naturally lead to various injuries and in many cases a sharp reduction in quality of life. Others create their definitions of "health" and follow a strict regimen completely focused on exercising those pre-defined actions that should be healthy, which means that one sacrifices being together and the community with others who do not have the same focus.
In the scientific space, documentation is required for one's claim to have value. What kind of documentation one provides also determines the validity of the value and is the origin of the pyramid of evidence with opinions at the bottom together with epidemiological investigations (surveys and observational studies) and the respective experimental studies at the top with meta-analyses of these towering at the very top. This is mostly not required in the popular space, where one likes to refer to "science", or "scientists" (as if scientists are a monotonous mass with the same opinions, definitions, and knowledge, which of course they are not), some investigation that can be poorly executed since one does not know how to read the data figures or know the language that is used and most often; some organization which is often a political, religious and/or ideological organization with connections to several large industries that is known to influence the conclusions and has done so with fatal consequences repeatedly throughout history. That is why integrity is so important for those who share information about food and health since they must include the whole picture, not just the parts of the picture that suit their thoughts and ideas or groupings and prestige.
Truth, friendship, and love are, in my view, our most important forms of currency, and stupidity is our most important form of intelligence - that is the scope where our most important forms of currency can be used and which is required for curiosity and learning to take place.
Being a friend requires love and honesty, but without knowledge based on multiple perspectives - integrity - one's noble intentions can do great harm. Especially if others have confidence in you. Passing on claims that have no basis in reality can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which is the case with veganism and vegetarianism. There are even those who can promote nuts, sourdough bread, and cocoa, and later talk about the toxicity of pork. Then it becomes clear that the person in question has no integrity. Especially since the person has been told several times that people eat pork and recover from ailments they have suffered from eating, among other things, nuts and bread. So what can make people behave like that? Why do they without knowledge and training in reading scientific articles and studies choose to pretend to be knowledgeable, use scientific words they do not understand, use ideological organizations sponsored by the world's largest industries as sources at one moment, and cry out about the benevolence of the same elites to lead people astray in the next? Then we get into self-programming and group programming, which I will talk about another time. For now, it suffices to say that when you don't have much information from the outside, you have to fill in the cracks/void with information you create yourself. The less information a person is willing to take in, the more must be filled in with their production or associations. You have to do that to give the impression that you have integrity, which shows that people are aware of the importance of integrity, and are aware that many do not have enough integrity to find out whether claims are true. This means that allegations are allowed to spread and since it is more important to "agree" than to be honest, not enough people react. It creates a society without integrity and unhealthy bodies. So in other words - don't be like cancer! See multiple sides of everything and integrate information for the world we live in including even your stupidity where your stupidity often excludes the perspectives of others.
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