Let me take you back to a young Pål when I was only a child interspersed with a little youth, with a desire for responsibility and knowledge, where everything should be tried, everything should be learned, were my form of entertainment, when I was not busy with playing, was to watch the grass grow or study sand formations in the c-moment of a small stream.

Even then, I was fully aware that many lived with self-contradictory premises functioning as a mentality, what I eventually learned was what others defined as "lies", but unconsciously. To me, what I saw seemed deeper and more subtle than the obvious and conscious lie in which most definitions incorporate consciousness, that one is aware of one's actions, as a criterion for it to be defined as "lie". As I will explain, the concept of "lie" was in a context where everything is true, something that seemed confusing until everything fell into place.
I was also aware that there were those who reacted with strong emotions to my many antics. I can not now remember that this was something I reasoned up to, but I can reason up to it logically as I did a lot to hide my experiments and experimentation (I can remember my "sheet labs" where I grew up. Mixing together different fungal cultures and other different things to see the development, hidden away from my parent's judgmental attention), something I have realized is absolutely essential in research if one wants to do as much as possible to avoid one's own and others' influence on the result and conclusion. When you also realize that you actually have the same prerequisites for misunderstandings, self-programming, and self-deception, it means that you need to be humble and critical of any kind of information and if you really want to study something critical, you must let it in open first. It can be compared to making stock where you have to have an open pan to place the ingredients in before you put on the lid and let it simmer. Afterward, you must remove the lid again to reap the benefits of the stock you have made. Open. Close. Expansion. Contraction. Breathe in. Breath out. The research must be as organic, dynamic, open, closed, serious, and playful as the reality we are researching, otherwise one only studies one's own disparity with it.
I realized - based on the differences in focus and interests - that I was perhaps put together a little differently from the other children and since I grew up in a relatively closed society in the forest, consisting mainly of people who were defined as "mentally retarded" and the nursing workers with family, my learning of signal norms was also a little different than most. I experienced the exceptions as normal and I had to deal with the fact that someone could come in who spoke with his fingers and who also sometimes felt the need to punish these fingers (who all had dog names) with a bread knife. Not a situation most four-year-olds alone at home have to deal with. Probably to make myself more confident about what the different signals meant, I started studying and later researching the human influencing factors, ie communication mechanisms. When I started primary school, a new arena opened up for me to research. I saw the differences between how people operate on their own and how they behave as a group and when I was also introduced to the theater where one had to dress in the respective emotional signals to convey an illusion (something I eventually learned was the same as hypnosis) gave me the tools I needed to study what I wanted to study - namely what is information and how information behaves. What is structure, substance, matter, energy, growth, form, and how does the communication that seems to create and/or define these concepts work? Is this communication the result of the form or what constructs them?
There were a number of concepts which from the point of view appeared to be self-evident and which thus led to the premises for the fundamental logic from which all understanding grew. One of these concepts is what appeared to me as "infinity", which means/implies that 1 (one) is without beginning and/or end. The concepts "beginning/end" tell (to me) more about the perception than the actual properties of what one observes. Based on this, it was also logical that truth/reality is something that is inclusive rather than exclusive. This meant to me that the learning systems I later realized were cultivation mechanisms did not suit my need for understanding as I wanted to understand the whole world, not be told what a small mentally constructed part of it was. The backbone of multiluteral metaformatics was that the perception of understanding was defined by the perspective.
This is seen in the light of the fact that all form also requires movement, which is time (I define time as a movement in relation to a movement), which entails change, which logically also makes it so that one can never possess all perspectives since what one is supposed to get a perspective on has changed before one can acquire all perspectives.
This is what the name "multiluteral metaformatics" should refer to - that understanding, knowledge, wisdom is a process that involves/requires a continuous lack of understanding. "Luteral" is a word I came across when I was looking for a word that could describe that something has many sides (I have found it again only one time after that) and the prefix "multi" indicates that the versatility itself is multifaceted. "Meta" (around, above, between, etc) indicates that the contrast, the outline, the encounter with everything else, helps to define what one is to understand, "form" (phorm) tells about the communication that shapes the object, and "metaphor" indicates that this form is a picture of, a metaphor for this communication. Add "m" and we get "metaphorm" - a word that draws a picture of how the contrasts define the shape.
"Mathematics" refers to the system, the relationship between the different elements and that there is a symphony of many different instruments that play what one is supposed to understand, the reality we live in / off / on / with and the last verbal abstract construction is the contraction of "metaphor", "metaphorm" and" mathics" giving "metaphormatics"; that is, the systemic relationship between the images that defines form.
In other words, multiluteral metaformatics is more about wisdom than knowledge. More on how to use the knowledge rather than accumulate knowledge. It is about science as a method, as a driving force, more than a set of dogmatic rules.
Since the method depends on response and since I happen to love to share, it is also the perfect method for me as I can not share all my knowledge every time, but have no choice but to share all my wisdom all the time.


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